About Shannon Golden

Hey! My name is Shannon Golden. 
I am a 22 year old senior in college. My major is Exercise and Wellness. I have also learned alot by working with personal trainers, classmates, and friends in the gym. 
I got into fitness because I wanted to feel better and I wanted to look better. I was never "overweight", but I didn't feel good about how I looked in pictures or a swimsuit. I had no energy, and found myself getting sick alot! I wanted to find something that would help me change my life, and fix my health issues rather than just covering them with a medicine.

You are one step away from a healthier and happier life, along with a boosted self esteem. Let me help you get there!

Check out my blog for free advice and information, along with information on the personalized plans I can offer you!

* I am not a licensed personal trainer or dietitian. The information I share with you on this blog, or through fitness/training/meal plans are all from my research, and things I have learned in school.

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